Meet Briana Modén- Extensions Specialist




My Story…

Many of us have a hair disaster story that lead us to the extension industry. Here is mine…

I have been on both sides of the “beautiful” and “not so beautiful” spectrum. The worst times in my life, were made better by changing my hair. It was the one thing that I knew I could change and/or try- and if I didn’t like it, I could change it again! 

Four months before my wedding, in 2015, I had gone to a well-known Denver salon (to treat myself for once). My hair was a little longer than my shoulders and darker than my normal blonde! I spent four hours in a salon chair with a stylist who put foils in my hair and left me under a dryer while she tended to other clients. After being shampoo’d, I sat in another stylists chair, and while he was blow drying, I noticed how orange my hair was and how chunks were being brushed out of my hair, due to the chemical haircut I had just received! After spending over $350, I left that salon with an unintentional orange mullet! FOUR MONTHS BEFORE MY WEDDING!

Can you imagine how invisible I wanted to be at that moment? The embarrassment and stress that came along with needing to spend more money to fix someone else’s mistake on something so important to me, my hair.

This horrible moment lead me to the world of extensions! They changed my life! They made me feel beautiful and confident again. My outlook on the world was better and my zest for life was back! This feeling, is what I want to give every woman out there! To make her feel more beautiful than she already is.

My strive for perfection, my listening ear, empathetic personality and eagerness to please are what makes me stand out above the rest. I am determined to have you walking out of the salon with your view of perfection! This “strive” is one that keeps me up at night. I will make sure that my walking billboard (you), is as perfect as can be! I want nothing more than to make my guests feel like they’re the only thing that matters at that moment! (This is why I only schedule one person at a time.) My full focus will be on you!